Super Concentrated Pure Herbal Extract For Poultry Lung Phlegm - Mento Leaf Pro
Dosage From: Oral Solution
Main Composition (Per Liter) :
Gypsum--------4000mg Mint Oil --4500mg Rehmannia-2500mg
Gardenia-------1000mg Licorice---1200mg Glycyrrhizinate-800mg
Tangerine peel-500mg Dandelion---1100mg
1.10:1 Super concentrated. Excellent result.
2.525ml can mix water 1250kg = 5000 chicken / day / bottle . More Lower medication cost for farmer .
3.1 Bottle = 10 Bottles Dosage . It also reduct our Labor Cost . Packing Cost . Transport Cost . We save those cost to More good quality . Product final Price also be reduce .
4. Pure herbal extract .0 Harmful for poultry Liver and Kidney . Also can mix use with any antibiotic .
1.Quickly relieve symptoms of respiratory coughing, sputum . wheezing. Remove lung phlegm.
2.Adjuvant therapy for respiratory problem Caused by Avian infectious bronchitis. Avian infectiouslaryngotracheitis.AvianInfluenza. Mycoplasma.
Packing: 525ml
Dosage: 525ml Mix water 1250 Liter. Use for 3-5 days. Continuous.