Poultry Chicken Broilers Atypical Newcastle Disease Herbal Treatment ND Cure
Dosage From: Oral Solution / Injection
Advertising Slogan: Improve the symptoms of Atypical Newcastle Disease / Improve immunity.
Per Liter contain:
Bioactive functional Peptides-----152,000mg Taurine--120,000mg B-Cycloalanine------------------------135,000mg QS-----------------1Liter
Product Features:
1. Reduce death rate for chicken atypical newcastle disease.
2. Immunosuppressive effect on chicken flocks.
3. Immune enhancement and regulatory function for poultry .
4. Anti-thrombosis, bacteriostasis, anti-virus.
Also can use follow situation reduce different stress.
1.Use before or after vaccination. reduce Vaccine stress.
2.Weather changes . Use this product to reduce heat and cold stress.
3.Using this product can reduce shock stress caused by big noise. Like thunder . firecracker. cars .
Administration and dosage:
Injection: 0.3-0.5ml / Per kg. 24 Hours Can See Result .
Oral Mix Water : 1ml / Liter 2-3 Days Can See Result .
Best Result Use Before Or After Vaccines.
Packing: 500 ml
Shelf Life: 2 years.
What is atypical Newcastle disease ? When it happen ?
*After the vaccination of Newcastle .most of the cases are atypical Newcastle disease
* It usually happen in 30-40 day old immunized chickens and chicks with maternal antibody,